Friday, April 29, 2005


talked to you few days back, you said that you cannot come.
talked to your brother today, he said that you will be coming.
understood that your brother means more to you!
i have nothing to say on that.
its ur life, u r to decide who means what to you.
maybe u lived longer with your family, so they mean more to you.
maybe u feel more attached to them for the same reason!

last time you came, after 4 years, for a month. and went to your brother, spent 15 of 30 days of ur holiday there.
of the last 3400 days (approximately) i have spent at most 100 days with you, rest of the days went in anticipation of these 100 days.
me being detached from my family: maybe u r the reason behind it.

but shouldnt you have understood? when your family means so much to you, then it should mean the same to me! i need my family as much as you do! my brothers mean just as much as your brothers mean to you!

abbu.... i long to be with my family too.
i want to have a family too.
its only one life i have, i dont want to feel so secluded for a lifetime.
when will you ever understand?

or should the question be: will you ever understand?

(**by family i mean parents and siblings)

Friday, April 22, 2005

not my day

having tea at this moment.

today exactly has not been my day!!!! started the morning with tonsillitis (hope thats the spelling :P) and continuing it with a sore throat. the humid weather is making me feel sick. there goes the physical conditions.

classes started with returning of answer scripts.more than average, but less then opponent....that too 10%, good enough to ruin the day!!! also the fact that i could have scored as much as that person, if only i had not made the silly mistakes, just makes things worse. moreover the teacher gave only 50% in class participation, to add to the disaster :D :D :D but still i m thankful to the teacher for postponing our presentation, else we would have just been devastated.

next comes inconsiderate and stubborn people. usually i dont mind that, but when i cannt explain a person that i need my groupmates for a assignment due in one hour more than her, who has her assignment due in one week, makes me totally raging in anger. how inconsideration on ones part can just ruin others!!!

talking of inconsideration, next comes irresponsible people!!! what to do with the person, who knows theres an important appointment at 12, and leaves for home at 11, without even informing the group members. man........they should be hanged :@ :@ :@

rest of the day has not been as bad. just some impunctualities, by groupmates, which is so very common, that we have even learned a term for it 'polychromic', and also that 10 means 11:30. had some unproductive group discussions.

man!!! msn just kicked me out, while i was recieving some pictures from my frnd!!! whatta luck baby :D :D :D

not feeling like writing any more.

now i cannt even post this message =)) lollllzzzzz

while my net returns to life, i just remembered a few more things to add on. talked to my parents in the morning. they were to visit bangladesh this june, and they confirmed that they have cancelled there visit.
another thing i just recalled now is, i starved till the afternoon, and had my first meal in then.

doesnt all that cumulate to a worse day? well, to make my day even worser, i have a new glaring pimple on my face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!